FRYTEST.COM'S COMMENTS ON THE CONTEST RESULTSThe testing showed that all of the oils except the partially hydrogenated oil contained less than 1% trans fat and are zero trans fat as defined by the FDA. (A serving size is 14 grams. 1% trans fat is 0.14 grams. The FDA definition of "zero" trans fat is less than 0.5 grams per serving.) The partially hydrogenated oil used as a control contained 28.79% trans fat. All of the zero trans fat oils showed excellent fry lives that were functionally equivalent to or better than partially hydrogenated oil. None of the oils came even close to the end of fry life after 300 fryings. This proves there is no need to partially hydrogenate oils to obtain superb fry life. Notably, all nine of the zero trans fat oils were preferred by consumers over the partially hydrogenated oil. The consumers rated the fries cooked in the ten oils on a scale of 1 (dislike) to 8 (like). The average flavor scores awarded by the consumers ranged from 5.1 to 5.8 with partially hydrogenated oil receiving the lowest score of 5.1. The average overall liking scores awarded by the consumers ranged from 5.2 to 5.9, with partially hydrogenated oil receiving the lowest score of 5.2. All of the zero trans fat oils received overall liking scores greater than 5.2. This confirms that zero trans fat oils are preferred by consumers. Check the List of Oils & Results page for the results for each oil.
News Texas A&M has completed the testing of ten oils in the zero trans fat cooking oil contest. The results are posted on the List of Oils & Results page. Contest PicturesClick on the image below to see pictures of the oil contest.
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